Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fall fun

Waiting for our local fall parade.  Kyle and Dave played lots of football! 

 Enjoying the festivities
 Fall Football Family time!

 Don't they look intimidating?
 Kyle took this one!
 We had a fun mornning with Jill!  ( and her mom and brother).  It is   so much fun to watch the girls play together and enjoy their friendship. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Finishing up September

Now that Kyle is in Kindergarten, I wanted to do something fun and special with Elizabeth.  Lisa and Talia are joining us for Little Gym class once a week.  Elizabeth was initially very excited and loved it.  Recently, she is not so sure. 
Here she is watching the class and trying to decide if she wants to join in.
 Having fun now!
 The next class, both girls watched from a distance for quite a while.
 And joining in
 Who says this isn't fun????
 Playdate with Jill Jill

 Now that Kyle is in school, he has before and after care with the "big kids" The other day in the car, he innocently asked me........ "Mommy, can you armpit fart?"  Ha ha!  This is funny on so many levels.  First, in our house, we don't say "fart" we say "toot"  and of course the nature of the question itself is hilarious!  So, here is Kyle at dinner trying out his new skill.  This is one of those parenting moments, that you make a choice.  Yes, this is quite inappropriate, but too funny to pass up....don't worry, we discussed the only place this appropriate is home....and after this time, not at the table!
 Talia's 3rd birthday party at Build a Bear!
Elizabeth trying out a scooter!!!!
 Family time at the Phillies game.  What a great night for us all! 

 More fun with Jill Jill.  Sweet friends taking turns walking and riding

 And pushing
 and swinging
 Elizabeth chose this outfit in the am!  We are taking Shirah on a walk to Kyle's school.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Recent phone pictures

I am trying to keep up with the pictures from my are some recent ones.
We went to the Please Touch Museum the week before Kyle started Kindergarten. 

 Last day of Pre-school
 Girly Girl ready to shop!
 My boys...aka Dave and Little Dave
 1st day of Kindergarten!!!!!!  Dave was glad to be there to be a part of this special day...and Kyle was quite excited as you can tell!
 Elizabeth wanted to go back to the Please Touch Museum...our first outing as just girls.  She stayed in the "grocery store" for a long time loading and unloading the carts!
 Kyle riding his bike to school (with me walking behind)
 Special time with my girl....look how big she is. Well, how high she can swing, she is still petite!
 Special after school treat...Ritas!
 Hand me down tutu!
 Cuties in the church nursery
 bonding after Kyle gets home from school
 We found this perfect shirt at Old Navy.  Elizabeth thought it was soooooo funny it said "PaPa!"
 Puppet show at the library (Elizabeth is behind the curtain)